If your printer becomes unavailable, it may cause various issues which may ultimately result in hefty losses being incurred. As a result, it is important for you to make sure that you are well prepared for any such instance. This article will equip you with all the necessary precautions which you need in order to deal with a situation where the printer becomes unavailable. In order to solve any problem, you may need to first identify what caused the problem.
Same is the case here. You may have detected the printer is not working but that is just the tip of the iceberg. You need to venture deeper into the problem in order to identify the reasons behind this problem. The following are the ten most common reasons why your printer may become unavailable.
Why does it say the driver is unavailable for my printer?
1) One of the most common reasons which may cause your printer to become unavailable is the aspect of the update. If your printer has crashed right after you have updated your system, the update may be the reason behind the failure.
2) Another very common reason behind why your printer will not work is that it is possible that the drivers of the printer are missing. If the drivers of a printer are missing, it is not possible for it to work properly.
3) Another reason why your printer is not working is that your windows may have crashed. This is one of the most common reasons why a printer may stop working.
4) In the case of printers who are connected in a wireless manner, there may be some issue in the connection of the printer as well which may cause it to stop working.
5) The printer may also stop working due to any malfunction in the hardware of the printer.
6) Any issue in the settings of the printer can also be a potential reason why your printer may stop working.
7) Issues in the settings of the PC and aspects such as connectivity can also make the printer stop working.
8) If the wrong printer is connected as the default printer, the printer may stop working.
9) If your printer is being constantly used for long hours, it may heat up and stop working as a result.
10) Also, if the printer has not been used for days at a time, it may not work.
How do I make my printer driver available?

In order to overcome the stated issues, you can follow the following steps:
1) If the reason behind your printer to stop working is the updates, you need to reinstall the settings of the printer which will adapt to the changes.
2) If the drivers are missing, you need to install the drivers. These can be found online as well as via other means such as CDs.
3) If the windows have crashed, you may need to restart or even reinstall the windows as a whole.
4) If there is some issue with the wireless connectivity of the printer, you need to reconnect the printer by first disconnecting it and then connecting it again.
5) If there is some issue with the hardware of the printer, you may need to get help from any professional in this field.
6) If the settings are malfunctioned, you can get online help on how to deal with the specific issue of the printer.
7) If there are any issues in the connectivity of the PC, you may need to change the settings. Online help can be rendered here in this case as well.
8) You also need to recheck if the right printer is connected.
9) Using the printer with gradual breaks in order to make sure that it does not heat up may also prevent it from stop working.
10) It is also important to make sure that your printer is in use every once in a while to prevent it from stop working.
Apart from these issues, there may be several other issues as well, which may cause issues in the working of the printer. Some of them have been explained below:
The Brother printer driver is the unavailable solution
In order to make sure that the brother driver of the printer is made available, you may need to reinstall the printer driver. Also, it can be solved by changing the settings. If changing the settings does not help, reinstall the driver.
The Zebra Bluetooth printer driver is an unavailable solution
The zebra driver is an important one for the Bluetooth printers. If it is not working, it is important for you to either update the settings or to reinstall it from scratch to keep up the working of your Bluetooth printer.
The Epson printer driver is an unavailable solution
If the Epson printer driver is being shown as unavailable, it is also important for you to make sure that you download the driver or install it by some other means. Without this driver, it is not possible for your printer to work properly.
The Canon printer driver is an unavailable solution
If the driver of your cannon printer is not there, you can get your hands on it either online or by any other means such as the manual installation via CDs and so on. Unless this driver is present, it is not possible for your printer to work properly.
The printer driver is unavailable in Windows 7 solution
If the printer driver is not there in Windows 7, there is no need to worry. You can easily get the printer driver for Windows 7. However, you need to make sure that the specific driver for your printer which is specific to Windows 7 is installed in your system.
The printer driver is unavailable in Windows 8 solution
If the driver of your printer is not there in the case of Windows 8 system, you can find the required drivers online. Also, you can get the needed drivers from your provider.
The printer driver is unavailable in Windows 10 solution
Windows 10 also need adequate drivers to run your printer in an efficient manner. If the drivers are missing, it is not possible for you to run the printer in an efficient manner. You can obtain the required drivers for printer specific to the system of Windows 10 by looking for them online.
How do I install a printer driver?
Installing the required drivers on your system can prove to be a tricky thing to do. For this purpose, you need to ensure that the specifications of the drivers are being met. You can also follow these steps in order to install the needed drivers on your system.

Printer installation steps:
• Prior to installing the printers, it is important for you to have the printer right in place. The cartridge of the printer needs to be there and the paper tray needs to be filled.
• You will be provided with an installation CD along with your printer. You need to enter that CD into the system.
• There will be an application by the name of “Setup.exe”. Click on it.
• At this point, connect the printer to your system via Bluetooth or with a USB cable.
• Search for the option of “Printers” on your system. Different windows will have this option in different places.
• The printer will be connected at this stage. In order to test the working, print a test page to see if it is functioning in a proper manner.
These steps can be used to install the printer drivers on different systems such as Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and iMac.
The printer is not responding Mac solution
The Mac users may face an issue of an unresponding printer. If you are a Mac user and this issue presents, itself, the following instructions may help you.
Why is the printer not responding on my Mac?
You need to first understand the issue which has caused the printer to become unresponsive. One of the most common issues for this issue to occur is the overwork or underworking of the printer. If a printer has been at work for several hours, you may find that it has become unresponsive. The same is the case with printers who have not been touched for longer periods of time.
Why can’t my Mac find my printer?
The Mac may fail to find your printer due to multiple connectivity issues. In order to overcome these issues, it is important for you to make sure that whatever means is being used for the connection, it is up and running. In the case of USB cables, you need to make sure that the USB cable is rightly in place. In case of wireless connection, you may need to disconnect and then reconnect the printer in order for the Mac to find your printer.
How do I fix printer not responding on Mac?
If the printer has become unresponsive on Mac, you may need to restart the printer as a whole. If the problem still persists, you need to restart the computer system on which the printer is connected. If the issue does not go away still, you need to make sure that the drivers are there. The drivers also need to be updated if the system is updated. If the problem has emerged after you have updated your system, you need to make sure that the drivers are either reinstalled with up to date drivers or the existing drivers are updated to the latest version. Hence, all the above discussion presents a great viewpoint of how to fix your printers if they are not working.